Tag Archives: improvements

Free Puppies!

25 Jan

During a conference I attended earlier this week, I heard the most succinct description of social media.  Amanda Eamich, Director of Web Communications for the USDA, characterized it thusly: “Social media is free like a puppy is free.”  In other words, while social media platforms lure prospective users with a low barrier to entry, the real costs come with the nurturing that occurs after “ownership.”

Maintaining a presence on each social media platform requires time and effort.  A Facebook timeline does not “curate” itself, nor does a LinkedIn account maintain a well-polished digital career history automatically.  The costs become much higher when a company or organization enters the arena of social media.  Unlike an individual, these companies and organizations must hire a staff to continually create compelling content across multiple platforms in order to sustain a positive brand image.  Employees in the communication and marketing departments also must track analytics to gauge the reach and effectiveness of the various social media campaigns; meanwhile, their counterparts in public relations and customer service must continue to engage customers who interact with the organizations on Twitter and the like.

Despite the many positive interactions created by social media, maintaining a presence online via these platforms certainly can present a challenge.  I hope to use this blog to explore the hidden complexities and nuisances of social media that can make Web 2.0 a less inviting, more antisocial, experience.  What are the opportunity costs associated with social media, both for individuals and companies?  How does social media affect our productivity, our politics, or our privacy?  In what ways can social media platforms improve?

On that note, before you create a Google+ page, remember: although there is no cost to join, you will need to feed and walk that puppy in the near future!